Temperature Sensor 63
Temperatūros jutiklis Nr. 63

PT500 temperatūros jutikliai šilumos skaitikliams

• Pateikiamas sukalibruotas  kompletas iš dviejų arba trijų temperatūros jutiklių.
• Paprastas sumontavimas ir pakeitimas.
• Greitas reagavimas į tmeperatūros pokyčius.
• IP68 apsaugos klasė.
Temperatūros koregavimo palaikymas.
Jutiklių suporavimas ir patikra pagal EN1434-5:2015.

Temperatūros jutikliai Nr. 63 įvairiems poreikiams ir išmaniems sprendimams

Kamstrup TemperatureSensor 63 consists of two paired temperature sensors and is used together with electronic energy
meters for measuring the inlet and outlet temperatures. The temperature sensors have built-in platinum resistors of which the
electric resistance changes according to the temperature. A measurement of the resistance value thus provides an analogue
expression of the temperature.
Kamstrup TemperatureSensor 63 has a very broad selection of temperature sensor types and thus fits most heat or cooling
installations. Kamstrup TemperatureSensor 63 is approved for IP68 and is thus especially suited to be used for both heat and
cooling measurements.

The heat/cooling meters MULTICAL® 303, MULTICAL® 403, MULTICAL® 603 and MULTICAL®
803 have an offset adjustment function that enables the adjustment of the inlet and out-
let temperatures by up to ± 0.99 K. The offset adjustment value is determined in connec-
tion with the factory calibration of Kamstrup TemperatureSensor 63, and when this value
is embedded in the meter, the deviation of the inlet and outlet temperatures will typically
be less than ± 0.1 K. As both the inlet and outlet temperatures are adjusted with the same
value, the offset adjustment does not influence the calculation of the consumed energy.